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Platform For Fictional Competitions #1

Platform For Fictional Competitions #1

Daniel De León Languré will reveal to Architectuul his platform Fictional Competitions (Concursos Inventados). He “considers that an architectural competition is useful when, rather than raising answers, it reveals questions, and that a question is pertinent when it starts from the recognition that it is only a minimum cut of reality.”

Dymaxion with migrational bridges.

Dymaxion with migrational bridges.

Concursos inventados (Fictional Competitions) is proposed as a transversal platform on which people can reflect their aspirations and political interests around a work of architecture. For this, it is necessary to remove the work from its technicalities, to move it from the how to the what for, to prevent it from being a means to find certainties and transform it into a way to question hegemonic answers, that is, to free it from its apparently unique interpretations.

In this way, it is understood that a Fictional Competition is located on the threshold between the question and its answer. It is a question when it starts from the observation of social interactions and proposes a reconciliation with the capacity of astonishment of what happens around the observer and acts as an answer when inquiring about the meaning of the existence of a practice that does not seek concrete results but from its formulation tries to demonstrate the weakness of normalized truths. If the first opens the window of the rational, the second is the non-rational hammer that enables experimentation and evidences the absurdity of situations. 

The objective is not to obtain a coherent whole, but to show from the contests a diversity of questionings. It is to encourage the ability to take a step back in search of non-coincidence, asynchrony and uneven reflection.