Layering Berlin
“Architecture passion + curiosity + new Google tools = Architectuul” - This unusual formula retrace my first year experience in Berlin. With plenty of time I was searching for a job and in between developed an architectural map for Google Map app. This article is an imaginary subway path, which connects double-meaning dots. I connected my places from this travel and make them visible like dots on the Atlas of Berlin map. Join me on this ride!

First stop is located on the crossroad of past and future destinations, the main train station of Berlin, Hauptbahnhof. A space where the light filter through the five layers of the building and emphasizes its high-tech architecture.

Next stop bring us to the Sony Center at Potsdamer Platz. Renzo Piano hereby created his plaza, a commercial theme park on the central square.
A stop in the middle of the green Interbau 1957 masterpieces, the Niemeyer’s Apartment appear immersed in the greenery.

Considerable similarities with the Terragni’s Danteum proposal from the 40s is visible on the next stop at the Crematorium of Berlin.

After this traveling through history we find ourselves already on our next stop, at the Staatsbibliothek. Simple and complex at the same time offer us to be discovered in its natural light.

We pass the Grimm Library and encounter the futuristic elevators of the Ludwig Erhard Haus, which play an unusual human-machine tetris.

In an ongoing Berlin development area of the City of Science, the 1990s design of the Photonics Center by Sauerbruch Hutton resembles on the concrete colors of the Corbusierhaus.

But our next stop happens at the red Lokdepot housing project in the post-industrial Gleisdreieck Park where raw, re-used materials are cleverly matched.

Contemporary student housing, the Frankie & Johnny Dormitory designed by the Swiss-German office Holzer Kobler Architekten, it is an on-going project in Berlin Treptow.

And finally we make a pause; just few minutes from the East Side Gallery and the Görlitzer Park. The modest building for the IBA of 1987 reinvents the Berliner block and welcome us to the most vibrant neighborhood of Berlin -Kreuzberg. To ruin the end of the cantier, a graffiti changed the vision of the corner. Alvaro Siza, left without the budget, appreciates the gesture. Bonjour Tristesse.

And here the travel brings us to the final stop - Teufelsberg. This abandoned building in Grunewald is settled on the artificial hill and offers a spectacular view on the remarkable Berlin skyline.

text and photo by Daniele Ronca