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Critical Concrete

Critical Concrete

Our new friend Critical Concrete is recruiting students for their 2017 Summer School. This project space mixes a socio-cultural space and architectural experimentation in Porto and Berlin. If you are interested in sustainable building techniques and re-use of materials, don’t miss this opportunity!

A Summer School Sustainable & Social Architecture will offer you a complete overview in the participatory design process in the period of three weeks.

The 2017 edition of Summer School is prepared in collaboration with the district municipality of Ramalde. 

The result from teh Summer School from 2016 is Alfredo’s House. It represent the first rehabilitation project which was created with 40 students from all over the globe. Under the mentorship of Colectivo Warehouse, Pedro Cavaco Leitão and Patrick Hubmann an under-maintained house in Porto was transformed into a functioning home.

This year, the Critical Concrete will integrate the research about sustainable heating strategies from the south, continue experimenting with Rocket Stove heating and hopes to build its first Compost Air Heater.