Architecture without clients, the 'no-home' condition and life as a perpetual tourist. We live in the age of touristic reproduction where everybody is an eternal tourist on never ending journey. Living and travelling has become synonymous, the world has turned into a museum, therefore people these days need two things: monuments and Airbnb apartments. Porto is facing the touristic explosion. With the no-home condition and this life as a perpetual tourist we don't have clients anymore, only investors who are indifferent to architecture. The typology we mostly work on today is an Airbnb apartment. It's an architecture of homelessness, a short-term architecture of tourism. We want to rethink the travelling experience, to examine the impact it has on the city. This project is a chance to introduce a new typology and pursue a new way of living in the post-airbnb world. It's a return to simple forms, possession-less and furniture-less spaces, an exercise on how to isolate yourself and inhabit everywhere.
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bostjan, February 7th, 2020