Hidden Architecture are Alberto Martinez Garcia and Hector Rivera Bajo. Alberto Martinez Garcia (Madrid, 1988) is an architect from the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Madrid (ETSAM) and Master of Architecture II post-professional degree from The Cooper Union (New York). Currently he lives and work in New York, previously worked in Shanghai, Amsterdam, Portugal, England and Madrid. Basic interest include the importance of history in contemporary architecture, the evolution of housing and the expression of contemporary culture in the in the small scale such as interior and product design. Hector Rivera Bajo (Ciudad Real, 1987) is an architect from Higher Technical School of Architecture of Alcala (ETSAUAH). After spending some time studying and working at Lisbon, he have come back to Madrid to work there. His interests are focused on Territorial Hierarchies from public to private space, the use of Urban Patterns in order to produce social and community space and the Infrastructural Nature of Architecture.
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