It is hard to define the "genre" for the reconstruction of urban core and some parts of the urban tissue of Kikinda. Historiographical studies and typological analyses, the expansion of the housing zone with additional contents, the designing of isolated business-housing complexes, conservation and adaptation of several objects, as well as revitalization of the entire centre of the town, studies of the pedestrian zone with the designing and realiazation of various details of urban inventory, the organization of traffic circulation and the fitting of both the new and old architecture, into the existing situation - these are only some, but not all of the aspects of the continuous work on the spatial problems of a town with 42 thousand inhabitants.
Within the "system" of reconstruction, a few separate programmatic and spatial wholes are clearly distinguished. The example for the reconstruction within the housing zone of the town is the housing subwhole "Mikro-naselje", with 850 newly designed apar-tments, in comparison with the existing 645 "inherited" apartments. Within the reconstruction of the central zone of the town, we can distinguish: the concept of the spatial organization of the main town centre, then the realization of the pedestrian zone and the housing-business block "Galacka", on the rim of the pedestrian zone in the centre of the town. In the zone - several new, and the adaptation of a number of existing objects. The suggestion (1978), and then the grdual realization of the pedestrian zone (1981-83) and the realization of the urbanistic project and concept of the spatial organization of the town centre are different, but simultaneous aspects of a unique process.
Details of Reconstruction
Details of that process are different and various: from pavement of the pedestrian zones, to the urban mobilier and giving new functions to the classical assembling-disassembling elements, manufactured, in various cornbinations, to the detailed arranging of the ground floor and neglected non-functional yards, and, of course, the gradual adaptation and reconstruction of a number of existing objects as well as realizations of the newly designed objects (the ZOIL building, the market complex, a multi storey garage...). The housing block "Galacka" represents an integral part of the central zone, for it is at the very entrance of the pedestrian zone. It was a real challengale for the builders: a concentrated, programmaticaly varied object - in contact and according to standards of the old fabric, was supposed to be created, and given a direction to the further building and refining of space. By its spirit, expressed through the lenguage of space, volumen and structure, it reminisces tradition - forms grown out of its climate, land and its material. The greatest real specific quality of the conception of forming the public area in the pedestrian zonein the centre of Kikinda, is the decission of the author not to insist on the symbolics of the dynamism, business and art potentials of the main shopping street or the central town square - but also to allow the relaxation and the mild easy-going athmosphere, since it suited the area, its contents and the climate as it is.