Frei Otto - Thinking By Modelling
The retrospective of Frei Otto at ZKM Karlsruhe closes on Sunday, 19th March 2017. This is the last opportunity to watch the brilliant oeuvre of the experimental pioneer!

Frei Otto photographs the model of the roofing for the temporary terrace of the swimming pool for the Olympic Park in Munich | © saai | Südwestdeutsches Archiv für Architektur und Ingenieurbau, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Werkarchiv Frei Otto
Two years after Frei Otto received the Pritzker Prize the Südwestdeutsche Archiv für Architektur und Ingenieurbau (saai) of the KIT in collaboration with the ZKM Karlsruhe and the Wüstenrot Foundation shows both known and completely unknown projects by the internationally renowned and probably most innovative German architect of the 20th century.

Frei Otto at the model of the swimming pool roofing for the Olympic Park Munich | © saai | Südwestdeutsches Archiv für Architektur und Ingenieurbau, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Werkarchiv Frei Otto
Frei Otto. Thinking by Modeling is not only the largest exhibition of more than 200 design models, objects, tools and instruments, 1,000 photos, drawings, sketches, plans and films, but also formulates present-day questions concerning the future of our built environment involving architecture, technology, sustainability and society. Definitely worth a trip to Karlsruhe!

Model of a regular high-low point surface, Frei Otto, Larry Medlin, 1964 | © saai | Südwestdeutsches Archiv für Architektur und Ingenieurbau, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Werkarchiv Frei Otto Foto: Bernd Seeland