(UN)just Peace is a tour and series of audio guides exploring the historical and contemporary landmarks of the International Zone in The Hague. From the Peace Palace to the International Criminal Court, from Europol to the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia,The Hague's architecture embodies the evolution of Western values of internationalism, democracy and justice - yet the city's prosperity has been insidiously linked to (neo)colonial economies of war spanning from anti-malarial production to security industry. Using architecture as an archaeological means, the project explores the cultural influence of warfare industry on the spatial representation of justice and unveils the military economies, technologies and territories connected to these building and landscapes. By raising issues of power, meaning and ideology as they relate to the spatial representation of internationalism, the project employs architecture to address both Europe's colonial heritage and the progressive militarization of public space within and on the borders of the European Union.
All our texts and many of our images appear under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License (CC BY-SA). All our content is written and edited by our community.
bostjan, January 31st, 2019