The design concept of our competition entry is strongly related to the mysticism and the historical relevance of the region. The "Salzamt", built 1751 during the golden age of alchemy in central Europe, will be extended by means of alchemical compositional ideas, to result in a new unity. The architectural concept figuratively utilizes salt, sulfur, and mercury and creates a new balance with the help of these elements. The power to unify the old, the new and the surrounding lies within the trinity. A balance which views the existing "Salzamt" as the soul, the ground it stands upon as the body, and the newly built volume as the spirit.Shaped by the surrounding earth and the hill slope, a new base, providing space for an underground garage and the hotel's entire supply and disposal, is created. The basalt footing lifts the whole ensemble onto a new layer and creates a central Piazza. The five star hotel offers 82 Rooms and 20 Suites.Furthermore, in our opinion, architectural competitions should lead to winning projects.

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sohnepartner, August 22nd, 2017