Max Taut (May 15th 1884 - February 26th 1967) was a German architect and representative of the New Objectivity movement who - together with his elder brother Bruno Taut and Franz Hoffmann - maintained an architecture practice in Berlin.
In 1909 Max Taut was the third partner to join the architectural firm founded in 1909, Taut & Hoffmann. In the 1920s he built a reputation for his office buildings. He was active in several Berlin architecture movements including the "Glass Chain", the "November Group" and the avant-garde "Ring of Ten". In 1927, he was one of the fifteen architects who contributed to the influential modernist Weissenhof Estate exhibition. In 1933 with the ascent of Nazism, Max Taut was excluded from public construction projects and he retires to the city of Chorin near Berlin.
In 1945, He and Wilhelm Buning founded a new school of architecture, the university of the arts (UdK) in Berlin . In 1946 the architectural firm Taut & Hoffmann was re-established in Berlin-Charlottenburg.
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