STAGE Competition Results Announced
Our competition for the design of a stage at the House of Statistics has been decided. The winning project “Vom Klappen und Waenden” comes from Max Maurer (Universität Kassel) and Max Linnenschmidt (Fachhochschule Potsdam). We have awarded two recognitions for a strong conceptual approach. The first recognition goes to the project “Billy Bühne” by Robert Coellen and Vitalia Gordeev (both from Hochschule Bochum) and the second one to the project “More than a Box” submitted by Katharina Wiewald and Frederik Heck (both Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart).

We hope to inaugurate the stage in the House of Statistics at the end of April 2021. But here is without any further ado the winning design as well as our two recognitions:

Klappen und Waenden by Max Maurer and Max Linnenschmidt (Winner)

Billy Bühne by Robert Coellen and Vitalia Gordeev (Recognition)

More than a Box by Katharina Wiewald and Frederik Heck (Recognition)