This residential building, which designed in 1939 by engineer-architect Grigorijus Gumeniukas, has four floors and a narrow, rectangular plan. The exterior of the building reflects the aesthetics of modernism that spread in the architecture of Kaunas in the 1930s. The main facade is of asymmetrical composition and is divided into three parts. The most expressive of them is the corner part of the main entrance and the staircase. It has two narrow vertical staircase window openings and three bold pilasters between them, and the lower and upper parts are emphasized by several horizontal lines. In the central part of the main facade there is a massive, angled bay window with three window openings in the corners. The exterior of this part features a horizontal articulation given by the narrow lines below the window openings. The three curved-edged balconies from the sides of the bay window form the third part of the main facade, which is complemented by wide rectangular windows. A similar, but calmer aesthetic can be found in the rear facade, which consists of wide horizontal windows, rows of decorative strips and curved balconies. It is one of the most modern buildings on this street. It is worth noting that the composition of the building's main facade is somewhat similar to the nearby building at Maironio street 36, which was designed by the architect Bronius Elsbergas around the same time.
Residential Building of Marija Legeckaitė and Povilas Legeckas
Kaunas, Lithuania
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