The building on V.Putvinskio 72 was owned by V. Tercijonas. He was a Lithuanian pediatrician and public figure. Even though he started his professional career in Russia, in 1921, he returned to Lithuania. He combined his work as a military doctor and later on as a private medical practice at his home in Putvinskio Street. He bought the plot in 1933; however, the construction started in 1936 since the building permit was only issued then. The reason behind it is not fully known, but it is believed that it might be due to the global economic crisis which occurred in the 1930s.
The wife of V. Tercijonas was also a public figure in Lithuania and an educator. Ona Putvinskaitė-Tercijonienė is the daughter of V.Putvinskis, which gives the name of the street today. She was a member of the Lithuanian Riflemen’s Union from its early days, and she actively worked in decrypting some secret documents when the Poles conspired against the Lithuanian state. Later, she even went to Berlin to deepen her knowledge, and she strengthened the union significantly with her activism. She became the leader of the Kaunas Women’s Riflemen union and a member of the National Riflemen’s Committee as well. At the same time, she was also active in social life, writing articles for magazines, collecting donations, organizing courses and camps, working in kindergartens, and educating future riflemen and their teachers.
When they wanted to build the house on V.Putvinskio Street, they chose the architect B. Elsbergas who designed an interesting house for this plot. The thing which makes the building alluring for its observers is related to its two different façades. When the building is analyzed from the front, it uses modernist language with curved balconies, which does not make it any different from the other buildings on the same street. However, when the building is exciting from its backyard façade, it creates the impression that it is a masonry farmhouse hiding in the rich foliage of the Žaliakalnis Slope since the roof at this façade is totally different.
The building has a ground floor and three floors on top. The second and third floors contain balconies, which are rounded at the west corner. While there is a bay window on the second floor, on the third floor, the top of this window is used as the extension of the balcony. The main entrance is at the east side of the front façade, which is emphasized by the three small windows that make the door a part of the composition. The windows are divided by two lintels. The original door is a single-panel framed door. It has two porthole windows which are cut across by horizontal paired strips.
At the front façade of the building, banding on the plaster with stripes can also be noticed, which gives the building its modernist appearance.