The building on Parodos 24 was built in 1930. The owner and, at the same time, the designer of the structure was Juozas Andriunas, who was an engineer educated in Russia. He contributed to the establishment and promotion of the Higher Technical School in Kaunas and was also on the commission which evaluated the equipment for the construction of the Aleksotas funicular.
The facade of the building is easy to recognise since there are not many examples similar to this building in Kaunas. The architecture of the building is characterised by an avant-corps in its central-right axis, which becomes a balcony on the second and third floors. The balcony on the second floor has balustrades with hourglass forms and columns. However, the third-floor balcony is simpler, with a parapet as a balustrade. The main entrance of the building is at the side of the front facade with a one and a half story high window. Since the building is on a hill, the main entrance to the structure is between the ground and the first floors. A staircase leads towards the front door, which attempts to emphasise the entrance; however, when the facade is analysed, it might be possible to say that the avant-corps has a more dominant effect than the main entrance. The building has an extra-large cornice, which separates the second and the third floors. It is assumed that the structure's third floor might have been added later or the project was adjusted during construction. There is an attic added to the building in the contemporary period.
The Estonian Embassy was located in this building until 1940. Today, the building is used for residential purposes.