T SPOON develop projects, exhibitions and editorial initiatives since 2004. The aim, through a research that goes "from the teaspoon to the city", is to approach spatial and human relations, defining multiple and simultaneous study fields, and to act as a catalyst of the transformation processes of human-space systems at every level of complexity. It has the idea of a small device that crosses urban territories in order to define new transformation practices for the contemporary city and acts between the intersection of three elements, city, landscape and infrastructure. City is landscape, landscape is infrastructure, infrastructure is city: the circle closes up, urbanity is ready for a new level of development. Architecture becomes Environment.
The practice aims to the creation of micro environments. Learning from biology and astronomy design process should focus on the interaction between large scale urban strategies and the fine grain multiplicity of contemporary living conditions. A microenvironment happens as a result of a complex relationships network painted on a canvas of simple strategic rules. Those rules operate at different scales and are related to different knowledge fields: from political to constructive issues, from spatial to economical devices, from social to environmental answers. We consider the design project as an open grid of possibilities that can foster mutations, transformations, re-appropriations in a continuous dialectic process between the artefact and the inhabitants.
All our texts and many of our images appear under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License (CC BY-SA). All our content is written and edited by our community.