Milan Zlokovic (1898, Trieste - 1965, Belgrade) studied in Graz (1916-18) and Belgrade (1919-21), as well as Paris (Ecole Superieure des Arts, 1921-23). Pioneered the modern movement in Serbian architecture; together with B. Kojic, J. Dubovi and D. Babic, founder late in 1928 a Group of Architects of the Modern Style (GAMP). His charismatic personality was a great influence on his contemporaries and numerous generations of architecture students at Belgrade University's Engineering Faculty (where he was a professor between 1923 and 1963). His work evolved from academia and folklorism to a final expression in modernism. He nourished a Mediterranean feeling for order, harmony, clarity of shape and a good understanding of the function of space. He is the author of the most important work of Serbian modernism, the University Children's Clinic (1933, since desecrated by expansion). Apart from pure design, also achieved renown as a theoretician, especially in the fields of the problems of proportions and modular coordination.
Principal Works: Duplex villa, Rankeova St. No. 12-14, Belgrade (1926); the Josif Sojat's House, Kralja Milutina St. No. 33, Belgrade (1926-27); the St. Sava's Church (1927-28, design), the Building of Kolarcev People's University (1928, design); Marine Museum in Split (1928, design); the House of Nevena Zamborski, Dalmatinska St. No. 79, Belgrade (1928-29); the Mortgage Benk in Sarajevo (1928-31, design); the "Opel" Building, Narodnog fronta St. Belgrade (1930-31); the Hotel "Zica" in Mataruska banja (1931-32); the Primary School in Jagodina (1937-40), the Building of "FIAT" in Belgrade(1939-40); the Tourist Settlement in Ulcinj (1962-65).
Selected Bibliography
The Group of Architects of Modernist Direction, Politika, 20. 12. 1928; Modern architecture in Belgrade, Stavba, 12, Prague 1929; Stara i nova shvatanja, Arhitektura, 5, Ljubljana 1932, 143-144; Glavna obelezja savremene arhitekture, Smena, Belgrade 1938, 86-88; O problemu modularne koordinacije, mera u arhitektonskom projektovanju, Tehnika, 2, Belgrade 1954, 169-182; Uloga neprekidne podele ili "zlatnog preseka" u arhitektonskoj kompoziciji, Pregled arhitekture, 1, 2 i 3, Belgrade 1954-55, 11-17, 44-48 and 80-85; Divina proportio = sectio aurea, Pregled arhitekture, 4-5, Belgrade 1955-56, 126-127.
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