The Urban Yoga Photos are metaphors for the way our bodies identify and respond to the space around us: while moving through space we subconsciously measure and mimic the space with our whole body and all of our senses at once. Photo series are raising the awareness about the importance of well-designed space around us. They were taken in New York City, Madrid, Paris, Ljubljana, Belgrade, Copenhagen, Aarhus and Aalborg. In each city she collaborated with a local photographer. During the process of making the photos Humljan functions on three levels - the level of a body, which represents the new spatial intervention, the level of the architectural mind placing the new intervention in space responding to the existing situation and on the level of a performer perfecting the moves and gestures.
All our texts and many of our images appear under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License (CC BY-SA). All our content is written and edited by our community.
bostjan, November 29th, 2016