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Fani Kostourou

London, United Kingdom
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Fani Kostourou is an architect, urban designer and academic. She studied architecture at the National Technical University of Athens and holds a MAS in Urban Design from ETH Zurich and a MRes in Spatial Design: Architecture & Cities from UCL London. Her activities include research, design, project consultancy, writing, and editing. She has been invited as a critic at The Bartlett, AA, Kingston University, and the University of Westminster, organised international workshops, lectured and exhibited in Europe, Asia and America. Her design work has featured in publications such as Minha Casa, Nossa Cidade (Ruby Press, 2014) and group exhibitions at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, Museu de Arte do Rio, X Sao Paulo Biennale, 15th Venice and XX Chilean Architecture Biennales among others. Fani is currently an EPSRC funded doctoral candidate at The Bartlett School of Architecture, a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and has over the last four years taught at the Bartlett's School of Architecture (SSAC MSc) and Development Planning Unit (BUDD MSc). In 2017, she joined for awhile the MIT Department of Architecture and Computation as a visiting researcher and participated in the EU-funded Future Architecture Platform activities in Slovenia, Serbia, Kosovo, and Ukraine.

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London, United Kingdom
bostjan, February 9th, 2018
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