The Soweto Project developed over the course of two months in early2014 at two locations in Soweto - Orlando East and Noordgesig. InOrlando East, the local residents and we turned a former public spacethat had been used as a dumping ground into a community-organizedpublic space called Ubuntu Park. We build a stage, braai-stands(BBQ-stands), and tables and benches together. To open Ubuntu Park,and to celebrate the community, we organized the Soweto StreetFestival. In Noordgesig, we created two vegetable gardens atNoordgesig Primary School, an educational approach that aims todevelop a new consciousness about food. In all these endeavors, wefollowed the principles of participatory design.
- Listening to and talking with the local residents before making anydefinite plan.
- Involving the community in the decision-making and design processes.
- Involving the community in the construction process.
- Transferring responsibility for the developed project to thecommunity in order to leave behind a sustainable work that benefitspopulation in the long term.