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Sculpture The Call for the Uprising

Bjelovar, Croatia
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"The Call for the Uprising" is the title for several sculptures, created by sculptor Vojin Bakic. Due to it's great popularity, it was followed with several copies. The first one was created in 1946. and was placed in Bjelovar, while two later sculptures are in Belgrade. The sculpture represents a man standing in a gap, invoking the uprising, with his right hand above his head and a strongly stretched left hand. Soon after the sculpture was set up, it became recognized as one of the most recognizable antifascist monuments in Yugoslavia.

The original name of the sculpture set up in Bjelovar in 1947. was the Monument "Streljanim omladincima", but by time it gained the popular name "Bjelovarac". The title "The Call for the Uprising" was obtained due to visual symbolism, after its installation in front of the Museum "4th July" at Dedinje, Belgrade, where in 1941. a meeting of the Central Committee of the Communists Party of Yugoslavia was held, at which a call for an uprising was addressed.

Sculpture was created in 1946. when the citizens of Bjelovar, the birthplace of Vojin Bakic, ordered a monument dedicated to the victims of the People's Liberation War. Bakic, besides the professional, also had a personal motive, since four of his brothers, who were members of the CPY, were arrested in Bjelovar in 1941. and taken to concentration camp, where they were executed. According to the author himself, the idea for making sculpture with the motive of a man with spread legs and raised arms was taken over from the famous photographs that took place during the hanging of the national hero Stevo Filipovic in Valjevo on May 22, 1942. During the production of the head of the sculpture, Bakic relied on the portrait of his brother-in-law Slobodan Bakic.

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milosk, November 28th, 2018
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