The Museum of Aviation in Belgrade was founded in 1957 as the Yugoslav Aeronautical Museum (MJV - Muzej Jugoslovenskog Vazduhoplovstva now MVB - Muzej vazduhoplovstva-Beograd). The facility is located adjacent to Nikola Tesla Airport. The current facility opened to the public on May 21, 1989.
Visitors approaching the Nikola Tesla Airport are invariably attracted by the large glass-encased round structure that looks like a strange mushroom from outer space that has sprouted in the middle of Srem's cultivated fields. Numerous military and civilian aircraft surround the mushroom - along with radars and other wonders of aviation technology - clearly indicating to visitors that they have arrived at an Aviation Museum, a museum that is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year.
The museum owns over 200 aircraft that have been operated by the Serbian and Yugoslav Air Forces, Aeronautical clubs and Avio-companies, from gliders to helicopters to jet fighters. At any given time, around 50 are on display inside the building. A few of the aircraft on display are the only surviving examples of their type, including the Fiat G.50. The museum also displays relics of US and NATO aircraft shot down during the 1990s Balkans conflicts, including wreckage from a US F-117 Nighthawk. In addition, the collection consists of more than 130 aviation engines, more radars, rockets, various aeronautical equipment, over 20,000 reference books and technical documentation as well as more than 200,000 photographs.