This complex located in Crni Kal, Slovenia commemorates fighters and veterans from the surrounding area who fell and fought during the National Liberation War (WWII). In the early 1960s, local government and veteran groups organized the construction of the complex just outside of Crni Kal, which would commemorate those people from 18 surrounding villages who perished during the People's Liberation Struggle. Edo Mihevc won the competition. The finished memorial sculpture set was officially unveiled to the public in 1966, commemorating 26 years since the region's liberation. The central sculptural element of the memorial are three conceptual curved sculptures made of marble blocks, meant to symbolize historic Istrian barges of antiquity.
The monument is meant to be symbolic of the ornate bow structures on 'Istrian barges', which would be Roman barges of antiquity that once sailed the nearby shores of the Adriatic when they ruled over Istria. The placement of teh monument is symbolic of the area as a window onto the Slovenian sea. The monument is placed overlooking the Osp Valley, which leads directly to the Adriatic sea from this location, making it a strategic and cultural historic passageway through the region's karst and coastal topography.