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Logistic Parc Milsped, Belgrade

Stara Pazova, Serbia
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Architectonics . The facility has been laid in the plane as a formal residue. Morphologically, it is the synthesis of cube elements, emerging by wrapping the peripheries around the core, which power of integration has been supported by relations which synthesize it into a unique entity. Spatially and program wise it has been defined through functional wholes: the warehouse is located in the core, whereas working, service and manipulative areas, as well as the administrative part, are wrapped around in the external cube. The form of the facility parts becomes transformed in respect to the role and position within the complex, and corresponds to program determinants, which conditions hybridness and multifunctionality of the house. By this the size and appropriateness of the facility has been supported and also its monoformness in horizontal landscape.

Phenomenon wise . " In the most universal sense, the notion of structure defines the following properties:01. the property of difference - each element, by being the element of the structure, differs from other individual elements or the elements of other structures.02. the property of totality or the system - the individual properties of the elements of the structure are determined by their functional position in the entity, i.e. by the rule of the entity which regulates the relation of the elements.03. the property of transformation - in each structure there are individual elements, which as per the manner of their introduction and connection build the internal relations of the structure, which way they get transformed themselves.04. the property of auto-regulation - the structures are enclosed and always tend to maintain the established order, which means that transformations typical for one structure remain inside its boundaries, create the elements which belong to it and maintain its properties and relations, i.e. affirm its nature and rules.05. perceiving the regularity in the relations of the elements of the structure makes it possible to predict the way in which the models will react (behave, be applied) in case of change of some of its elements."

Layeredness . The mass of the facility has been structured by diverse architectural themes, textures and graphic approach. The clear perceptibility and transparency of the interior functionality, the anatomy of the facility, has been emphasized through segmentation of the volume. [10] Anatomy is accentuated also through revealing the layers of the envelope, which suggest the revealed mass and depth. The layers of the envelope are equally treated architectural elements of equal functional and material characteristics and role in the entity. Each layer, as per its character, is in contrast with the previous and the next one. Layerdness and segmentation, in a separate morphological level, support volumetry.

" Layers are building material, they are everywhere, mutually connected and separated. Sometimes they are a statement, sometimes a word, sometimes a number. Parts of the layer may but need not have similarities with their source. They can even be complete opposites."

Dimension and form . In forming the facility the focus is on opening up the administrative part. Therefore, not by removing but adding the simulated interior, the horizontal mass that way losses its visual weight and becomes open, whereas the interior rather gives an impression of revelation than the expectation.

Contrary to the closeness of the house core - the warehouses, the administrative part opens up to the full extent via glass facade in the north-east direction. Opening up of the administrative part does not make an association of representativeness and presentation of the facility, but of a specific, almost intimate relation towards the exterior, while the landscape mirrors on the glass facade, whereby a surreal image of the joint is created.The facility is characterized by the closeness of two different functions, the administrative part and the warehouses which becomes problematized at the point of their contact. While the facility administrative part is orientated towards the natural setting, at the same time its opening towards the warehouse gives the view of the artificial setting, equally decorative as much as introspectively and interior wise integral (coherent).

Type . The facility of MILSPED logistics center is a spatial and program integrity of the company head office and basic service. Such system of organization has proved to be a prototype of the rational architectural concept of sub-industrial facilities, along with corresponding modifications of the functions in line with specific facility uses. The operativeness of this prototype provides the possibility of application to various situations in different conditions, with pre-determined spatial and time frame. The spatial sub-entities function independently, the prototype continues and integrates them, and the flows of goods, people and machines make the layer of relations establishing internal cohesion.The designed flows, the dimension and structure of the facility, as well as indications of possible space use, result in program hybridization. Various functions have either been developed from the basic ones or are the spaces inside the facility have been adapted to them. Such mixture of the diversity in an entity, actually, suggests some type of internal urbanity which emerges from the vitality of the house and openness of its spatial potentials.

Distribution of consumption . Technology and its division into sections create diverse levels of meaning. The program sequence of the Logistics center complex is determined by the program and functional requirements of the core - high-rack warehouses.The program division inside the facility has been effected according to the facility technological and program characteristics. The functions have been organized in line with the flows and dimensions of the goods stored, facility structure, cost of the investment and local legislative. The laid parallelepiped gathers together the functions of the Logistics center - the head building of the complex. The high-rack warehouse in the centre makes the program core around which in concentric circles other functions have been arranged. According to its use it is a volume, a kind of a container, for storing the goods which is in transit of transportation courses from the manufacturer as far as certain capital or region. A large quantity of goods is concentrated in the facility and which is transported or further distributed. Unloading and loading with handling space make an integral part of a given function.The warehouse is the junction of the transportation streams in which complete automatics of the work process is aspired to - reception, storing and issue of goods. Thus introvert use has been enveloped with a layer of pertaining functions in which activities of men progress. By listing the codes of men presence and multifunctionality of technology, characteristic for the urban space, the sub-industrial facility acquires the urban character, typologically different from the facilities of its kind. Introduction of the urban characteristics into autonomous facilities of such type has been implemented with an intention of modification of the meaningful and spatial context in which the facilities are located.The business premises of the company head office have been placed in one of the facility fronts, with a different treatment of transparency, whereby its unique envelope opens up. This part of the facility has been conceived as a single space which makes diverse program organizations and flexibility of work spaces possible, from open space bureaus to the system of linear layout of offices. Flexibility of work space has been supported by accommodating all service functions in separate, partially closed block. The basic module has been derived from the organizational module of storage space and technological process. Modular coordination was implemented at all facility levels, from spatial program organization, via elements of materialization and structure, to traffic flow inside and outside the facility.

Authority of integrity . Horizontality of the facility has been controlled and determined at several levels: as a number of aspects necessary for facility functioning, as coding of work spaces, and as sound and information interpretation of corporative identity. The autonomy of the administrative part of the facility has been emphasized by facade transparent treatment, and the accompanying service and work spaces by long strips of opening up which provide the large side areas with character. The order is established through symmetry of the entity and the program, which is more of technological than monumental character.

Structure paradox . The paradox of the thin envelope and massive concrete prefabricated structure is the consequence of the specificity of use of autonomous characters of this type of facility: economic rationality, balance of the price and solution, the rate of fabrication and adaptability to the minimal requirements of normative regulation. Logistics center is materialization of abstract references which are filtered by it through its diverse functions: glorification of the compact corporative entity, possibility of micro urbanity autonomous quality, contextual horizontal configuration, the condition of order and size of the flow.

Material . Facility materialization is appropriate to the space and program. The presence of great metal areas corresponds to dynamic use of the facility, great number of machines and people. Accentuating the areas outside and inside the facility refers to specific positions on the facility, as well as to corporative coloring, which is the interpretation of mechanical aesthetics, placed in a contrast to the natural setting. The size of the facility is supported and controlled by the elements taken over from other typological forms. Deviation from the expected provides the building with other dimension - terrace or stairway are the motives which reduce the proportion, typography and signalization have been used also as the spatial graphics, contextual in time, with the goal of additional structuring and spatial accents. The relations of the small and large, nature and technology, public and private, lead to the inversion of the expected in the manifested and the unexpected in the perceived.

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djuradva, May 6th, 2014
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