Curriculum Revolution is bringing Intersectionality to Architecture School as calls for a complete makeover for the architecture school and its curricula toward a fairer future of the discipline. Generations of students have gone through architecture studies encountering during this time perhaps two or three female architects and even fewer architects from diverse socio-political origins as references. Unaware educators have only served over and over again the same slides, the same icons, the same architectural references without contextualizing nor questioning the power structures that have heralded some while sidelining others-negating questions of gender, race, and class in their choices. We believe teaching should be based on inclusive pedagogical strategies and references. We propose an overall assessment of the current state of the curriculum across all architecture schools in Europe-and globally. This could lead to a productive conversation to help educators in sharpening their own tools, questioning age-old references-probably breaking some idols in the way- while also developing concrete strategies for implementing positive change in architectural education everywhere.
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bostjan, February 5th, 2019