City'Zen is a neighborhood where all generations (families, youth, elderly) can live together and where different types of programs are combined. The site is an area with a level difference, where the university has already a campus building: Musica Mundi. The idea is to redraw the site in a star shape inviting the existing campus to the centre of the new district. The site is bounded in the east by a highway with a lot of traffic noise and in the west by a central for water purification. The buildings take their peak height to the centre and join the ground to the borders to form a slope, which absorbers the traffic noises. This morphology refines the profiles of the buildings, gives an unobstructed view and leaves room for a continuous park from the ground to the roof gardens. The concept provides an ease of living and a complementarity between the urban life that is offered under the trade shops and the care centre on the one hand and the rustic and peaceful life on the roof terrace because of the collective gardens and terraces parkland on the other hand.

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bfa, March 20th, 2017