This Unite is part of a larger project of a new residential area in the forest of Briey, France and it was commissioned on 1955, by the town chief architect, Andre Wogenscky.
The proposed building is 110 meters long, 56 meters high, and 19 meters wide. It comprises 339 duplex apartments spread over 17 floors with six inner streets. The model is that of the Radiant City of Reze taken almost identically with a few nuances: the housing is smaller (constraints with the administration rules), there is no equipment on the roof or commercial street as other Unite d'Habitation
Abandonment and Rehabilitation of the Unit
The 1960s saw the closure of the Briey mines and the economic recession spread in the region. Defects are uncovered, the building experienced great financial difficulties till 1983 when it was abandoned.
On 1984, a destruction project is proposed, the new mayor of Briey, Guy Vattier, oppose and set up a defense committee for this Unite. Later on, the hospital became an owner of the building and created a nursing school. Afterward, on 1989, an association was created, the First Street, which organizes cultural events on the theme of plastic arts and architecture within the unit and a Book Festival "Impressions of architecture" - since 1994.
Facades, roofs, gantry, the hall, the first corridor, as well as the apartments 101, 116, 128, 131, 132, 133, 134, have been registered as historical monuments since 26 November 1993. The facades and roofs of the former boiler room and its portico consisting of three pillars and a beam are also the subjects of an inscription in respect of historic monuments dated 16 July 2007 as "Heritage of the XXth century" . In 2010 , after three years of work under the direction of the architects Medrea and Ferauge, the facades were restored and the Unite d'Habitation born again.