This building, designed for an NGO, houses a creche for the children of working women in the slum re-settlement colony of Seemapuri in East Delhi. The structure is an exploration of the properties of brick as a material and uses no cement or concrete. The load bearing walls, corbelled and arched openings, and a grid of domes and reinforced brick slabs, all in lime mortar, articulate the building while keeping it low-cost.
The building is scaled to delight small children with cosy nooks, low arches and windows. The low child-friendly openings coupled with the open lanterns capping the domes enable passive cooling of the building by letting in cool air at ground level while hot air escapes from above. This design formed a prototype for creches across slum re-settlement colonies in Delhi and was repeated with modifications in four locations in Seemapuri, Dakshinpuri, and Wazirpur.