The idea for the house was to become a framework that crops a view. The most appropriate building turned out to be a fully open to the mountain landscape, one-storey building, which gives the same view to all of the interiors.
Because of the plot being located in an absolute wilderness a problem of security came out. The solution turned out to be "twisting" the building so as only its one corner touches the ground and the rest is hang over the edge of the hill. With this solution, part of the ground floor where the bedrooms were located was pulled up to the level of the first floor.
To limit the movement of the subsoil - because that is the main cause of a landslip, I decided to support the house on three independent walls and treat it as a bridge, under which rain water flows naturally.
Realities of mountain landscape as well as the local law constrained a gable roof.To tense the construction of three supporting walls aswell to create a necessary technical space, the idea came up, to make it by "inverted roof", slightly lifted over gound, allowing natural water to flow. Its undercut optimized the construction and gave the feeling of seciurity by the impression of "floating" above the slope.
Finally, the form of the house started to resemble the ark - that's why the name of the house is Konieczny's Ark.
The use of moving elements has made the fence temporary. Its functionality has also increased, because it is also the entrance to the house and a sun screen, ideally composing with the building's form.
The abandonment of the fence around the plot and putting it in the form of movable elements to the outline of the building resulted in its general accessibility, but also a kind of symbiosis between the residents of the house and animals grazing around, while looking for food, simultaneously mowing the grass around the building. This gave a second meaning to the name - Konieczny's Ark.