The masterpiece designed by Ernst Neufert in 1951 was described by a Darmstadt mayor as a "horrible thing", while the former "single dormitory" is a prime example of rational architecture for others. No matter whether the sight of the Trutzburg-like building produces admiration or aversion - the "Bullenburg", listed as a historical monument in 1986, leaves no one indifferent.
The plans for Neufert's single dormitory were first presented in 1951 on the occasion of the exhibition "Man and Space" in Darmstadt. Neufert, a student of Bauhaus architect Walter Gropius, was already a professor of architecture at TU Darmstadt. The original tenement house intended for returnees and bachelors envisaged 131 small apartments, eight 2- and 15 3-room apartments as well as a restaurant. Characteristic of Neufert's masterpiece is the cubic form of the interlocking, unequal high-rise buildings, but also the strictly rational structure of the building. The apartments are almost all planned according to a basic scheme and furnished in a minimalist style. Neufert applied special care to the design of the striking, dark hardbrandstone facade,
Since the tiny apartments could be let worse and worse and the technology no longer met modern standards, it was decided to rebuild the master building. The architects, Ramona Buxbaum and Peter Karle, designed a new spatial concept based on a complete dissolution of the inner life while preserving the listed building components. In order to gain space for larger dwellings, they removed the cell-like division and pulled together projectiles. The result is 82 apartments, some of them on two floors.