The sweeping form of 360 House overlaps at one point and gradually ramps down to accommodate the slope of the terrain. 360 House has continuous fenestration along the east-facing side to offer panoramic views of mountains in the distance while descending through the house.
Authors made an opportunity from the problem how to construct a house with on a sloping plot of land with privileged views of the mountains outside Madrid. The result is the literal construction of a use diagram. In this instance, form does not follow function, but is instead function itself. Cyclical movement, routine and surprise turn into a way of living. Its formal complexity offers the possibility of reaching all points of the house through two different routes, which multiply the possibilities of use and enjoyment. It has the form of a loop, 360o. The house is curved and generate the greatest quantity of linear meters towards the views. It is shored up in the landscape and turns back on itself. At the midpoint there is a mediatheque, isolated and completely dark.