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Vera Machoninova

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Vera Machoninova was a Czech architect. She designed most of her buildings with her husband, Vladimir Machonin. The Machonins were part of the strong generation that began creating at the time of the waning historicism of Socialist Realism, and which from the mid 1950s was establishing intermittent contact with world events. It was the generation of architects which first acquired a solid professional background in its perfect command of the traditions of domestic building craft and, building on this, began to implement in its own work the artistic and engineering aspects of architecture. The search for a new architectural expression and for new construction and material approaches was symptomatic of this generation. A generation of strong engineer-architects.

She graduated in 1952 at the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering at CVUT. She continued her studies at the State Institute of Design in Prague, but in 1967 she left the Institute and founded Alfa Architectural Studio with her husband. They were not protected from communist excitement, Vladimir didn't signify the Soviet occupation. After 1970 they could not participate in architectural competitions or publish. She had to start working at the Prague Institute of Design, mostly as a supervisor of the projects and in 1991 founded her own architectural studio - Atelier Alfa, which is still active under her name.

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mariathuroczy, September 10th, 2017
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