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Toronto - Dominion Centre

Toronto, Canada
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The Toronto-Dominion Centre, or T-D Centre, is a clus­ter of buil­dings in downtown Toronto, Ontario, Canada, owned by Cadillac Fairview, and con­sis­ting of six towers and a pa­vi­lion co­vered in bronze-tinted glass and black pain­ted steel. It ser­ves as the glo­bal head­quar­ters of the Toronto-Dominion Bank, as well as pro­vi­ding of­fice and re­tail space for many other busi­nes­ses. Some 21,000 people work in the com­plex, ma­king it the lar­gest in Ca­nada.

The pro­ject was the in­spi­ra­tion of Allen Lambert, for­mer Pre­si­dent and Chair­man of the Board of the Toronto-Dominion Bank, with Phyllis Lambert, re­com­men­ding Ludwig Mies van der Rohe as de­sign con­sul­tant to the ar­chi­tects, John B. Par­kin and Associates and Bregman + Hamann, and the Fairview Corporation as the de­ve­l­oper. The towers were com­ple­ted bet­ween 1967 and 1991, with one ad­di­tio­nal buil­ding built outs­ide the cam­pus and purcha­sed in 1998. Part of the com­plex, de­scri­bed by Philip Johnson as >>the lar­gest Mies in the worldvir­tually a free hand to create Toronto-Dominion Centreslide

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  1. Archinform
mariathuroczy, November 16th, 2015
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