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The Mutual Insurance Building

Ljubljana, Slovenia
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The Mutual Insurance Building was erected at one of the most prominent sites in the city. Next to National and University Library is this building one of the important palaces from the opus realized by Plecnik. Initially was planned in a way that lower floors would contain business offices and retail shops, the upper floors would contain retail apartments. The lower part of the building is structured on the Wagner's principles for the palaces in Vienna. The brick facade of the upper part of the building summarizes Palladian principles of the brick palace. It is located opposite the main railway station. Plecnik was interested to build the house because of the unusual trapezoidal site. The palace follows the geometry of the streets. He solved the problem with the corner entrance with a round hall that lead to the trapezoidal staircases inserted between two rectangular wings. The architect was toying with the notion of a double facade. Here it was expressed with a dense row of pillars detached from the front from the wall, which gave the impression of a second facade. Layers of brick on brick symbolically reminiscent of the savings if you collect coin by coin, you can build a palace.

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bostjan, July 10th, 2017
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