Very special and delicate project was managing the design works and construction of Opera theatre " Filial of Bolshoi Theatre"- New Stage, Moscow, Russia. The design works were organized between the Moscow Institute MOSPROJECT 2 name N.M. Posohina, and Belgrade Company "SETLOST TEATAR" (Joint venture contract) with WAAGNER BIRO stage system AG, Vienna, Austria. The Planning and reconstruction of the Bolshoi Theatre Complex started in the late nineties. The New Stage of Bolshoi Theatre, Filial, was planned on the first phase with the Main Auditorium with capacity of 900 seats, equipped with state-of-the-art Lighting and Mechanical systems. The design phase started in 1998, with Mosproekt 2, Moscow. The works on the Theatre technology implementation started in 2001. In 1999 V.V. Putin was elected as President. Then, the project Filial of Bolshoi Theatre"- New Stage, located in the center of Moscow, received the decree of President as the project of exceptional importance which demanded the executions of the works in three shifts (night shift) and permanent monitoring.
Mosprojekt 2 designed the structural part and interior of the New Stage building. The design of lighting equipment, production, supply, installation and operation and audio and video equipment was performed by Svetlost Teatar, Belgrade, Serbia. The mechanical stage equipment was designed by the company Waagner Biro, Wien, Austria, as well the production, delivery and operation. All equipment was computerized using control panels. The scope of work of Svetlost Teatar was also the Site Organization and Project Engineering. At that time, computerized stage equipment was not yet available in Russia. Even Bolshoi Theater had `hand-operated stage equipment.
Filial of Bolshoi Theatre - New Stage was constructed as the new building close to Moscow`s existing Bolshoi Theatre. During the construction the both theatres are connected with the underground corridors. It was particularly important that performances can be carried out on the New Stage in order to enable the reconstruction of the Bolshoi Theatre. All dimensions of the portal opening, the height and depth of the stage as well as the orchestra pit are completely identical to the Bolshoi Theatre stage. So the performances were performed on the New Stage using decorations and requisites from Bolshoi Theatre.