The Tel Aviv University campus is situated in the immediate vicinity of the city on a slight slope, overlooking the Mediterranean. The Medical School building is located on the highest point of the campus, enjoying a panoramic view of the whole campus, the nearby town and the Mediterranean. The general layout provided for a twelve-storey main block and a grid of lower buildings, containing medical science faculties.In addition to the interior patios and ventilated corridors, this specific elevation texture provides thorough climatic protection for the building as a whole, while acting as the main feature of its architectural character.
The central block, with eight storeys, consists of two twin towers, one housing the students' teaching laboratories and the other the research and scientific laboratories. The two towers are connected by a central communications core, while the animal house is placed to the rear, and is connected to the main block by several bridges, which lead directly to the laboratories. The central communication core overlaps the two main squares, thus creating several patios and open areas within the complex, providing natural ventilation. The construction is of reinforced exposed concrete poured on site, while the sub-protecting diagonal elements are precast and mounted.