Kauchuk Factory Club is a constructivist public building designed by Konstantin Melnikov and constructed in 1927-1929, located in the Khamovniki District of Moscow on the edge of the Devichye Pole park and the medical campus.
The Kauchuk club is shaped as a quarter of a cylinder, housing a 800-seat theatre hall with two balcony levels. Today, its shape and size is concealed by poplar trees and a Chinese restaurant terrace attached to the facade.Melnikov's trademark exterior stairs were never intended for regular use; they are actually fire escapes connected to the second floor lobby.
The building operates a night club and a restaurant, and is in adequate external condition; huge neon lettering that existed in 2003, has been removed. However, its interiors are lost to indiscriminate renovation, original windows are replaced with improperly-sized modern frames.