Sue (Sehnsucht und Entdeckungsreise or longing and journey of discovery) or The ever-new beginning at zero. The Vienna office Sue Architects was founded in 2006. Yet, it is not a young girl from the U.S. that is hidden behind the spectacular name, but the credo "strategy and development". "It always starts with a strategic plan," Christian Ambos, Michael Anhammer and Harald Holler say. "Once the strategy is established, we are developing the actual concept." Is there a particular style that is representative of Sue? The unanimous answer follows immediately: "Hopefully not!" What is much more important for the three architects, all born in the early seventies, is the detection and winkling out of longings, the dialogue with the clients, the ever-new beginning at zero.
"Every project is unique. Depending on the topic a building can be colourful and cheerful, or modest and austere. This is a matter of common journey of discovery between client and architect." The realisations of recent years include residential buildings and single-family houses, travel agencies and restaurants, shops and gastronomy. And, of course, district offices. Many of the projects were chosen through open competitions. "The jobs are very varied, but exactly therein we see the appeal of our profession. Every day is different, every day new challenges are waiting for us." Currently the Sue architects are working, among other things, on the detention and deportation center in Vordernberg/ Styria. "This is a very complex project, but we will approach it like any other," the three say "In the end, it's all about creating spaces where people can flourish and develop. That is the task of architecture." Sue Architekten are Christian Ambos, Michael Anhammer and Harald Holler
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