Sebastian Ernst, born in Berlin, studied architecture at TU Berlin and at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ( ETH Zurich). After working for Barkow Leibinger he freelanced for several firms. He worked as a student assistant at the chair of Prof. Ute Frank at TU Berlin, for Christ Gantenbein and Kees Christiaanse at ETHZ as well as being a researcher at the FutureCitiesLab in Singapore. 2013-14 he worked as professor assistant for the chair of Gramazio Kohler at ETH Zurich. 2015-16 he worked as professor assistant for G. Augustin at Uni Kassel. He currently teaches a Masters studio at DIA Dessau. In 2013 he established FAKT.

Berlin, Germany
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sebastianernstfakt, November 14th, 2017