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Oscar Aceves Alvarez

Santiago, Chile
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Architect of Universidad Central de Venezuela (2004) and Master in Architecture of Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile (2015). His research is based on the study of the implications of discourses in architecture. In 2003 he co-founded and is a partner of F.G.A. Arquitectos Asociados, project office that in 2011 mutates to Caso de Estudio, an instance of collective work that seeks to reflect on architecture and the city. In 2016 he joined to Performa, a platform for the debate on the implications that digital technologies pose in architecture and design. He has published in Rita, Arquine, ARQ, Entre Rayas, Edit to Transform, among other publications, as well as recurring collaboration with media such as Plataforma Arquitectura and Paisajeo. He has been a professor at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile (2016-), Universidad Finis Terrae (2016-), Universidad Tecnologica Metropolitana (2018-), Universidad Jose Antonio Paez (2009-2011) and Instituto de Diseno de Valencia (2010-2011). Currently residing in Santiago, Chile.

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Santiago, Chile
oscaraceves, May 7th, 2018
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