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Miss_vdr Architektur

Vienna, Austria
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Theresa Hafele, Julia Nuler and Matthaa Ritter formed miss_vdr architektur in 2010. In this context it is no coincidence that three women are working together in a field, that is traditionally almost exclusively dominated by men. They themselves are very curious what could happen in this new constellation. So far, the reactions were positive - both in cooperation with craftsmen and with business partners. miss_vdr architektur is convinced that finding answers through joint discussion and communication are often the best solutions. In the field of architecture they try to find priorities, which also correspond to their inner firm conviction. Their ambitions are social as well as ecological sustainability, socio-political fairness and quality of life. Last but not least they design and built for "people" in an inclusive sense.

They are looking exactly for the solution that fits the circumstances and requirements of a given place. Unused potentials are activated and independent paths are taken. They try to get to the essential of an object, without losing a holistic approach. With every project they remain open for new perspectives and alternative models. Cooperation and communication is very important for them, both with specialists and with each other. In this sense they understand the users as well as experts, not only the project partners and professionals.


Architektur Fachmagazin, "miss_vdr architektur"Callwey_Häuser des Jahres 2014Baunetz, "Das Wohnen soll Spuren zeigen - Drei junge Architektinnen bauen Haus in Vorarlberg"vai - Reihe, Leben und Wohnen, "Ein Haus wie die Landschaft"derStandard, "Rheinzink-Box mit Rheintal-Blick"

Selected Projects

SHV_SullnerHausVorarlberg Neubau ZweifamilienhausZGW_ZirkusGasseWien Umbau/Ruckbau/Eigenbau GeschaftslokalOOB _OutOfBalance_BewegteDaten Arbeit. Leistung. Verteilung. Aktion, Dschungel WienBKW_BauKulturWien Ausstellungsarchitektur, PlanungswerkstattHWR_HausWehingerRothis Umbau/Sanierung RheintalhausBAM_BalconAlMar Umbau/Erweiterung Ferienhaus

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Vienna, Austria
bostjan, July 11th, 2014
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