After graduating from the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade in 1957, Aleksandar Stjepanovic was employed in the Town Planning Institute. In 1963, around the time of important achievements in architectural competitions in Belgrade and Zagreb, he became an assistant at the home university. Habilitated in 1972 and his work verified in 1977, while a professor at Belgrade University became the 1988th year. In this profession he served as dean of the 1983rd to 1987th and the provost of the 1977th 1979th year.
He was president of the Association of Belgrade Architects (since 1995) and the Union of Architects of Serbia, a member of the editorial board of the magazine "Architecture-Urbanism". Is an architectural and urban design, of interior architecture and publishing business. Hisbody of work includes over 80 projects, of which more than a third were realized. On the proposal of fellow previous winners of the highest honors the Union of Architects of Serbia, won the Grand Prize for Architecture in 1992. Year. It is also the holder of two of Belgrade (1975th and 1978), central government awards the daily "Borba" (1975), awards ULUPUDS (1993), as well as the Grand Prize (1975) and special recognition Salon of Architecture (1993). He was a founding member of the Initiative Committee of the Academy of Architecture of Serbia (1995).
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