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Revoltella Museum

Trieste, Italy
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The Revoltella Museum is a modern art gallery founded in Trieste in 1872 by Baron Pasquale Revoltella. In 1963 Carlo Scarpa received the order for the restructuring of the Museo Revoltella. The museum consists of three buildings from the second half of the 19th century: the Palazzo Revoltella by architect Hitzig, the Palazzo Brunner and the small Palazzo Basevi. In 1967 the construction work began, difficulties with the construction company began and in 1970 the contract with it was dissolved. The work is discontinued, in 1971 Scarpa resigns the order. It was only in 1980 that the construction was continued under the direction of Franco Vattolo and later Paolo Bartoli and completed in 1991.

In this project, Carlo Scarpa did not modify his design, correct it, as in the case of his other work in a permanent confrontation during the construction work, but his first concept was partly implemented or finalized by other architects. This consists in a rigorous dealings with the old and the new: while the Revoltella was virtually completely preserved and is also managed in the museum as an ambience of the Baron Revoltella and Pinakothek of the 19th century, The Brunner was subjected to comprehensive measures. Into the emptied shell, a skeleton of reinforced concrete was drawn in, which, emphatically accentuated, became an ornament and made the interior (insulated with stone walls) insulated into the exterior. For the vertical orientation, Scarpa uses the Palazzo Revoltella as the theme of the inner courtyard and creates a substantial analogy and at the same time a formal difference with the light-filled entrance situation from the roof. This area and the auditorium on the ground floor are those parts of the museum which were most clearly implemented in the sense of Scarpa's planning.

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bostjan, November 19th, 2023
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