The nature reserve of Grimeton is part of Akulla beech woods area, situated a couple of miles east of Varberg, close to the world heritage of Grimeton. It is a dramatic nature that rises over the flat arable lands along the seaboard.
Highly situated on a plateau by one of the smaller lakes, Rorsjon, the refugium and the barn are solitarily located.
The barn connects to the newly constructed wood road. Here the forest opens up and creates a place where the encounter between the modern forestry and the old forest are made visible. Here, the forest guard is working with demands for rational forestry and recreation, for peace of mood and sense.
On the top of the hill, the refugium is situated, low-voiced and functional, with the dark introvert facade where only the entrance box breaks the otherwise austere facade. Not before walking along the steep slope towards the house one sees, through the entrance box and the whole building, the magnificent view over the woods and the lake, which with its mist creates an almost bewitching atmosphere.