With respect to the plan the quest for a layout that would express the global parameter led to the image of an ancient stadium. The building is developed perimetrically around a central void, which opens out to the town, calling upon the "external" to enter and allowing the "internal" to be viewed.
In section, the transition from "ancient to modern" is realized through raising the building high and creating a ground-floor void, where the promenade takes on the significance of museum space for showcasing the ancient and modern history of the institution.
At the master plan level, the building is not juxtaposed to the park, but neither is the reverse true. Initially the built penetrates the un-built part of the plot centrally letting the un-built surround it, while subsequently the un-built penetrates the build centrally and by piercing it, this is incorporated into it. This interpenetration and co-existence of built and un-built, of edifice and park, on an equal footing, expresses the need for material and spiritual to coexist: training for "body and spirit".