The cinemas became a unique spectacle accessible to all audiences. Among all the memories, there were still those of the cinemas distinguished for their thematic. In 1958, the Continental cinema was opened with a capacity of 2350 seats that operated as an exhibition theatre for national and international films for 15 years, before closing doors to be remodelled and become La Casa de Disney (The house of Disney) on 1974. The theatre had the peculiarity of having restrooms designed for its young audience, but more important was its facade that had been transformed to look like the Disneyland trademark Castle. Even though the Continental preserved its original program for many years, the building didn't escape the transformation at the end of the XX century. In 1998, its main projection salon was divided into eight theatres equipped with Dolby sound system and reclining seats, becoming the Multimax Continental Cinema. The Continental is considered the only children's cinema to ever exist in Mexico of those dimensions before closing its doors for good in 2008, waiting as a graffitied and deteriorated estate to become a self-service store.

Cine Continental (1958).
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taniatovartorres, July 12th, 2018