Julian Jauk, born 1992 in Graz, Austria, studied architecture at the Graz University of Technolo-gy and philosophy at the University Graz since 2014. He is working as a freelancer in the fieldsof architecture, graphic design, media arts and sound.
Since 2015 he is working as a student assistant at the Institute of Architecture and Media atthe Graz University of Technology, where he took part at the realization of several projects.Since 2013 he is associated with projects presented at the Ars Electronica Festival. In 2017 heexhibited his master thesis "A living piece of architecture" as part of the highlight tour at theannual ars electronica festival.
Since 2013 he is drummer and producer of the Blues Trio "Jazz Elephant". Since 2014 he isGuitarist and artistic director of the band "Ultima Radio" with which he is under contract withthe Vienna-based label "Panta R&E". In addition he is working as a sound engineer and music producer in his father's studio "Grelle Musik". Founded by Werner Jauk, Professor of Musicolo-gy at the Karl-Franzens-University Graz.