Una Architects, founded in 1996, is an association of four architects who graduated from the Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP). Una Architects are Cristiane Muniz, Fabio Valentim, Fernanda Barbara and Fernando Viegas. Ana Paula Pontes and Catherine Otondo were partners from 1996 and 1999.
Since its formation Una has developed projects for different scales and programs. Una always works in close association with engineering firms and consultants to allow for a comprehensive and multidisciplinary discussion on architecture and urbanism.
The office has received several awards for projects and for finished construction works. Among them, several were awarded by the Institute of Architects of Brazil, having received in 2008 the top prize of this institution, the award Carlos Milan, for the project of the New Railroad Station of Piqueri. In 2003 Una was part of the team formed by Pritzker winner architect Paulo Mendes da Rocha in the project that the city of Sao Paulo was bidding for being host of the 2012 Olympic Games. Una has participated in several national and international events like in two editions of the Venice Architecture Biennial; in 2004, as part of the Brazil Pavilion, representing the country by invitation of the national board of curators and in 2006, as part of the Pavilion Arsenale, in this case selected by the international board of curators.
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