Edoardo Persico was an Italian art critic, designer and essayist. Persico was born in Naples. In 1923 his philosophical tale "The city and the people of today" was published by the Quattrini of Florence.
A friend of Piero Gobetti, who contributed to the magazines The Liberal Revolution and Baretti, he moved to Turin in 1926 where he endured painful hardship working as a laborer at Fiat. In 1929 he moved to Milan, where he worked on Pier Maria Bardi's magazine Belvedere and around 1930 he founded the Million Gallery which brought artists like Klee, Kandinsky, Arp and Gris to Italy for the first time. In 1931 he moved to the home decoration journal La Casa Bella which he transformed into Casabella alongside Istrian architect Giuseppe Pagano.
He was called to teach at ISIA, innovative school at Monza for applied art.Since 1934 he turned his interest to architecture, he joined the Rationalist movement, created furniture and interior fittings for exhibitions. His most important works were in collaboration with artist Marcello Nizzoli and include Gold Medallion Room of the Aeronautics Exhibition (1934) and the Hall of Honour for the 1936 Milan Triennale, completed after his death.